Race and Housing Series
At Habitat Chicago, our vision of a city where everyone has a decent place to live cannot be achieved without acknowledging the discrimination endured by Black people for generations. Racist housing policies such as redlining and racial restrictive covenants have created a racial homeownership and wealth gap in Chicago and throughout the nation. The effects of these policies are still experienced today.
Habitat Chicago is committed to examining and doing our part to address housing and neighborhood inequity in Chicago, as well as providing an educational environment for our supporters to learn alongside us about the intersection of race and housing in our city. Here you can engage with our Race & Housing Series, which is a project in partnership with other Chicago organizations, educators, and activists who are moving the needle on addressing the effects of Chicago’s racist history, making critical social change around housing equity and healthy neighborhood development in Chicago communities.
We invite you to learn with us.
Read an introduction to this project from Habitat Chicago’s Executive Director, Jennifer Parks.
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors