Thank you for your interest in the Neighborhood Grants Initiative. With a significant number of projects already awarded and limited funding remaining, we will continue to support a reduced number of projects at lower funding levels.

Before applying for a Neighborhood Grant, please make sure to review our Program Overview, which covers important information about the program and its structure. To ensure that your project is eligible for funding, please also read through our Eligibility and Requirements before getting started. 


Application instructions (video)

This video breaks down the structure of the Neighborhood Grants Initiative and provides instructions to help you fill out a successful application. Please watch this before getting started on your application.


Tips for applying 

  • Details matter. Remember to be as detailed as possible throughout your application. Each detail you include helps to paint a picture for us, and what's obvious to you about your project idea may not be obvious to us. The more information you include in your written responses and budget, the better we will be able to understand what you want to accomplish through your project.
  • Your budget and timeline play a key role in your grant award. The budget and timeline you submit as a part of your application help us make funding decisions. Not only do we award amounts based on your budget, but when your project is initiated, we will expect your group to adhere to the timeline included in your application. 
  • Your core planning group members are your project’s powerhouse. In the application, you will be asked to list your core planning group members. These are the people that will be committed to your project from its inception to its closure. If your project is approved for funding, we will expect everyone listed as a core planning group member to attend a project kickoff meeting with Habitat Chicago and sign the Grant Acceptance Agreement. 
  • Apply at least 45 days in advance. Submitting a timely application is one of the best ways to ensure that you are able to access funds when you need them. We ask that groups submit their applications 45 days in advance of when they will require funding. Please keep this in mind when laying out your timeline. 
  • Record your responses in a separate document. Please note that there is no ‘save and resume’ feature on the application. As such, we encourage you to type your responses in a separate document prior to submitting, to ensure that no information is lost. 


If your application is approved for funding

Kickoff meetings
Project groups will have 14 days from the notification of their grant award to set up a kickoff meeting with Habitat Chicago. 

Grant Acceptance Agreement 
Project groups will have 21 days from the notification of their grant award to sign the Grant Acceptance Agreement. Only after all core planning group members have signed the Agreement will Habitat Chicago distribute the initial grant payment of 80% of the award. 


If your project is not approved for funding

If you would like to resubmit your application with adjustments, we will work with you to improve the strength of your application and your chances of approval. 



Still have questions about the Neighborhood Grants Initiative or the application process? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.   



If you still have questions after reviewing the information above, or if you would like to talk with us about your project idea and application, please reach out to us! We would love to hear from you.

Phone: (312)-563-0296 x313


Get started

If you are a new applicant, we highly recommend you attend one of our virtual information sessions before submitting your application. All upcoming sessions can be found on our events page. If you are already familiar with the program, you can take the next step by submitting your application through our online submission form


Interest list

If you'd like to stay updated on the Neighborhood Grants Initiative, sign up for our program’s Interest List. Once you’re signed up, we will send you periodic application tips and reminders, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Interest List



We can't wait to see what you have planned! 



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